A long time ago, in a beautiful land with tall trees and bright sunshine, there was a very special man named Jesus. He was kind, loving, and helped everyone. Jesus healed the sick, made blind people see, and even calmed storms! But most of all, He taught people about God’s love.

One day, Jesus told His disciples, “Let’s go to Jerusalem.” His friends looked at each other. They knew that many people in Jerusalem loved Jesus, but some important leaders did not like Him. Still, Jesus smiled and began walking toward the city.

As they got closer, Jesus stopped and said to two of His disciples, “Go into the village ahead. There, you will find a donkey tied up. Untie it and bring it to me. If anyone asks, just say, ‘The Lord needs it.’”

The two disciples hurried to the village. Just as Jesus had said, they found a donkey. The owner asked, “Why are you taking my donkey?”

They answered, “The Lord needs it.” The man nodded and let them take the donkey to Jesus.

The disciples placed their cloaks on the donkey’s back to make a soft seat. Jesus climbed on, and they continued toward Jerusalem.

A Joyful Welcome

As Jesus entered the city, something amazing happened. People saw Him and became very excited.

“Jesus is here!” someone shouted.

“The great teacher! The one who helps the sick!” another person cheered.

Crowds of men, women, and children rushed to the road. They wanted to welcome Jesus in the best way they could. Some people took off their coats and laid them on the road like a red carpet for a king. Others cut palm branches from the trees and waved them in the air, smiling and singing.

“Hosanna! Hosanna!” the people shouted. “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Children ran beside Jesus, waving palm branches. “Hosanna! Hosanna!” they cheered.

Jesus smiled at them. He was happy to see their joy.

But Jesus was not like other kings. He didn’t wear a golden crown. He didn’t ride a big, strong horse. Instead, He rode a simple donkey to show that His kingdom was about love, kindness, and peace.

Not Everyone Was Happy

While most people were celebrating, some important leaders were not. They crossed their arms and frowned.

“Why do they treat Jesus like a king?” one whispered angrily.

Another one said, “Tell the people to stop shouting!”

Jesus smiled and answered, “If they stop, even the stones will cry out!”

The leaders didn’t understand, but Jesus knew that something very important was about to happen.

The Beginning of a Special Week

That day, the streets were filled with happiness. The people welcomed Jesus as their King—not a king of gold and power, but a King of love and kindness.

And so, on that special Palm Sunday, Jesus showed the world that the greatest power is love.

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