Once upon a time, nestled in a lush countryside, lived the 3 little pigs. In their quest for security, each pig embarked on a journey, building houses of varying materials. Little did they know, their choices would be tested by the menacing presence of the big bad wolf.

The 3 little pigs

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who set out to seek their fortunes. Each pig built a house of their own. The first pig built his house out of straw because it was quick and easy. The second pig chose sticks, thinking it would save him time, while the third pig decided to build his house out of bricks, for he wanted his house to be strong and sturdy.

Soon enough, a big bad wolf came along, hungry and eager for a meal. He huffed and puffed and blew down the straw house with ease, causing the first pig to flee to his brother’s house made of sticks.

The wolf, undeterred, approached the second pig’s house and huffed and puffed once more, blowing down the stick house in no time. The two pigs, now frightened, ran to their brother’s brick house.

The wolf, determined to catch the pigs, arrived at the brick house and tried with all his might to blow it down. But the sturdy bricks stood firm against his huffs and puffs. Frustrated and hungry, the wolf tried to trick the pigs into letting him in, but they were too clever for him.

Defeated, the wolf slunk away into the forest, and the three little pigs lived happily ever after in their strong brick house, knowing that hard work and perseverance had saved them from the big bad wolf.

And so, children, the tale of the three little pigs teaches us the importance of diligence and foresight, for with the right effort and planning, we can overcome even the greatest challenges that may come our way.

Moral of the story

The moral of «The 3 Little Pigs Bedtime Story» is that perseverance and preparation lead to success. By building their houses with care, the pigs thwarted the wolf’s threats. It teaches us that diligence and foresight can overcome formidable challenges, ensuring safety and prosperity.

If you’re seeking more free bedtime stories for kids, we invite you to read Ant and the grasshopper.

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