In the tranquil hills of a quaint village, «The Lost Sheep» tale unfolds. Amidst a flock tended by Shepherd Samuel, the journey of compassion begins. Lost in the wilderness, a single lamb sparks a quest echoing timeless lessons of empathy and redemption.

The lost sheep

Once upon a hillside, in a quaint village, lived a shepherd named Samuel. He had a flock of a hundred sheep, each with its own unique charm. One day, as the golden sun dipped below the horizon, Samuel counted his flock and noticed one was missing – a little lamb named Luna.

Worry etched lines on Samuel’s face as he left the ninety-nine sheep safely in the fold and set out in the gathering darkness to find Luna. The night was filled with a chorus of crickets, and a gentle breeze whispered through the tall grass.

Samuel ventured into the wild, calling out, «Luna! Luna, where are you?» His voice echoed through the hills, but there was no response. Determined, he continued his search.

As Samuel navigated rocky terrain and dense thickets, a faint bleat reached his ears. Following the sound, he discovered Luna stuck in a thicket, her wool tangled and eyes wide with fear. Samuel’s heart swelled with relief and compassion.

Gently, Samuel freed Luna from the thorny trap and cradled her in his arms. As he returned to the flock, joy lit up the night sky. He couldn’t help but think of the parable he had heard in his youth, about the shepherd who left the ninety-nine to find the one lost sheep.

Back in the safety of the fold, Samuel rejoiced with his neighbors. They celebrated the return of the lost lamb, grateful for the shepherd’s unwavering commitment. In that moment, the village echoed with the timeless lesson – the joy that comes from finding the one who was lost.

And so, under the starlit sky, Luna nestled close to the other sheep, her adventure becoming a tale shared among the hills, reminding all that every lost sheep is worth seeking and saving.

Moral of the story

The lost sheep teaches us that no matter how daunting the journey, the pursuit of the one in need is a beacon of compassion. In seeking, we discover the essence of love and the joy of restoration.

If you’re looking for more free stories for 7-year-old children, we invite you to read Bill the Buffalo‘s Big Adventure.

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