A long time ago, in the Cayman Islands, there was a blue iguana. It was a very special iguana with magical powers to protect the island and its animals. People talked about it; however, very few had ever seen it.

One day, a curious boy named Leo decided to look for the blue iguana. He packed some snacks, a water bottle, and a flashlight, and set off on his adventure. As he walked through the island, he found a shiny blue scale on a rock. He picked it up and wondered if it be

Leo followed small blue footprints that led to a cave behind a waterfall. He took a deep breath and stepped inside. The cave was filled with glowing crystals, and right in the middle sat the blue iguana. Its blue scales sparkled like the ocean, and its eyes looked wise an

“Welcome, Leo,” said the blue iguana. “I have been watching over this island for a long time. I keep the forest and the animals safe, but now the land is in danger. People are cutting down trees, and many creatures are losing their homes. If this continues, the island will not be the same. I need your help to spread the message of protecting

Leo nodded eagerly. “I will tell everyone why we must take care of the island!”

The blue iguana smiled and handed Leo a small blue feather. “This will remind you of your promise

Leo ran home and told his family, friends, and teachers about his adventure. He explained why the forests and animals needed protection. At first, some people didn’t believe him, but soon, more and more started to listen. They planted new trees, cleaned up the beaches, and made sure animals had safe places to live. The island slowly be

Thanks to Leo, the Cayman Islands became a safer place for all its animals. The blue iguana remained hidden, but everyone knew it was still watching over the island, making sure people kept their promise.

Moral: Taking care of nature is everyone’s responsibility. If we work together, we can protect the forests, the animals, and our home. Even small actions, like planting trees or keeping places clean, can make a big difference.

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