Welcome to the BedtimeStoriesKD community! Today, we want to share Benny’s bedtime story, The Bird on the Roof. Get ready to enjoy a fun and entertaining story for kids!

Chapter 1: Benny’s Big Idea

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a silly bird named Benny. Benny was a bright yellow canary with a beak that loved to make jokes. He liked to sing, but more than that, he loved to make everyone laugh. One sunny morning, Benny decided he wanted to find the perfect place for his new home.

As he flew around the village, he spotted a cozy little house with a shiny blue roof. “That looks like a great place to live!” he chirped happily. Benny swooped down and landed right on the roof. He looked around and saw a garden full of colorful flowers and a big tree where squirrels played.

Benny thought, “What if I do something funny to make everyone laugh?” So, he decided to show off his best moves. He flapped his wings and danced around on the roof. He wiggled his tail and hopped from one side to the other.

Just then, a little boy named Timmy came out of the house. He was munching on a cookie when he saw Benny dancing. Timmy stopped and burst out laughing! Crumbs flew everywhere as he giggled. “Mom! There’s a funny bird on our roof!” he shouted.

Feeling proud, Benny danced even harder. But as he spun around, he slipped on some cookie crumbs that had fallen from Timmy’s snack! “Whoa!” Benny squawked as he lost his balance and tumbled off the edge of the roof!

Benny flapped his wings wildly but landed softly in a big pile of leaves below. He popped up with leaves stuck all over him, looking very silly. Timmy laughed so hard that he rolled on the grass. “You’re the silliest bird ever!” he said, wiping tears of joy from his eyes.

Benny shook off the leaves and smiled. “I meant to do that!” he said with a wink.

Chapter 2: The Great Cookie Caper

The next day, Benny had another funny idea. “What if I could get some cookies from Timmy?” he thought with a big smile. So, he decided to try something new.

Benny perched on the edge of the roof and called out to Timmy, “Hey there! I’m here for cookies! Can you toss me one?”

Timmy giggled and shouted back, “Okay, Benny! But only if you promise to do your funny dance again!”

Benny agreed and waited eagerly as Timmy grabbed a cookie from the jar in the kitchen. With all his might, Timmy tossed it up to Benny. But instead of landing perfectly in Benny’s beak, the cookie flew right past him!

“Oh no!” Benny cried as he turned quickly to catch it. He flapped his wings hard but ended up spinning around in circles instead! He lost his balance again and tumbled off the roof once more!

This time, Benny landed right in Timmy’s garden—splat! He landed in a patch of mud! Mud splattered everywhere, covering him from head to toe.

Timmy doubled over with laughter. “You’re not just funny; you’re also messy!”

Benny looked at himself covered in mud and started laughing too. “I guess I’m a muddy bird now!”

From that day on, Benny became known as the funniest bird in the village. Every morning, he would dance and play tricks on the roof while Timmy enjoyed his cookies below.

And so, they shared laughter and fun every day—making their little village brighter one giggle at a time.

The end.

If you enjoyed the story of The Bird on the Roof, we invite you to share our bedtime stories with your children. They will learn valuable lessons and develop a love for reading
