Welcome, young readers! Today, we will enjoy the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a tale filled with adventure, curiosity, and important lessons.

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Visitor

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house in the woods, there lived three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. Each bear had their own special things. They had three bowls for porridge, three chairs, and three beds. One sunny morning, they made porridge for breakfast. But it was too hot to eat right away, so they decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled.

While the bears were away, a little girl named Goldilocks wandered into their house. She had beautiful golden hair and was very curious. When she saw the door was open, she thought it would be fun to go inside.

Goldilocks walked into the kitchen and saw three bowls of porridge on the table. She was very hungry! She tasted the porridge from the first bowl. “Ouch! This porridge is too hot!” she exclaimed. Then she tried the second bowl. “Brr! This porridge is too cold,” she said with a frown. Finally, she tasted the porridge from the third bowl. “Yum! This porridge is just right!” she said happily and ate it all up.

After finishing the porridge, Goldilocks felt tired. She walked into the living room and saw three chairs. She sat in the first chair but said, “This chair is too big!” Then she tried the second chair and complained, “This chair is too soft!” Finally, she sat in Baby Bear’s chair. “Ahh! This chair is just right,” she sighed with relief. But as she settled down, the chair broke into pieces!

Goldilocks felt a bit sad but was too tired to care. She went upstairs to find a bed to rest in. She lay down on Papa Bear’s bed but said, “This bed is too hard.” Then she tried Mama Bear’s bed and said, “This bed is too soft.” Finally, she lay down on Baby Bear’s bed and declared, “This bed is just right!” Soon, Goldilocks fell fast asleep.

Chapter 2: The Bears Come Home

After their walk, the three bears returned home to enjoy their breakfast. As they entered the house, Papa Bear growled loudly, “Someone has been eating my porridge!”

Mama Bear looked at her bowl and said, “Someone has been eating my porridge too!”

Then Baby Bear cried out in surprise, “Someone has eaten all my porridge!”

The bears were confused but decided to investigate further. They walked into the living room and found Baby Bear’s chair broken on the floor.

“Someone has been sitting in my chair!” roared Papa Bear.

“Someone has been sitting in my chair too!” added Mama Bear.

“And someone has broken my chair!” cried Baby Bear sadly.

The bears climbed upstairs to their bedroom and found Goldilocks sleeping peacefully in Baby Bear’s bed.

“Someone has been lying in my bed!” exclaimed Papa Bear.

“Someone has been lying in my bed too!” said Mama Bear.

Baby Bear looked at Goldilocks and shouted, “And here she is!”

Goldilocks woke up with a start and saw three bears staring at her. Terrified, she jumped out of bed and ran out of the house as fast as she could!

As she ran through the woods, Baby Bear called after her, “Wait! We could have shared our breakfast!”

Goldilocks paused for a moment but didn’t look back. She learned that it’s always better to ask before taking something that isn’t yours. From that day on, Goldilocks never forgot her adventure with the three bears.


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