
Bedtime Stories for 5-7 year olds Free

abril 5, 2024

Welcome to our magical world of bedtime stories! Here, you’ll find enchanting tales crafted especially for children aged 5 to 7. Dive into captivating adventures with lovable characters that will ignite your little ones’ imaginations before they drift off to sleep. Get ready for a journey of dreams and fantasy!

Bedtime Stories for 5 year olds

The Friendly Unicorn

Bedtime Story for 5 year olds

Once upon a time in an enchanted forest, there lived a unicorn named Luna. Luna was very special because she had a heart as big as her shiny horn.

One day, Luna met a little bunny named Pomponio. Pomponio was sad because he had lost his favorite carrot. Luna, with her kindness, decided to help him. Together, they searched throughout the forest, checking every bush and every stone.

After much searching, they found the carrot under an old oak tree. Pomponio was so happy that he hopped with joy. Luna smiled, glad to have helped her new friend.

From that day on, Luna and Pomponio became the best friends in the forest. Every day they played together, shared adventures, and took care of the forest and all its inhabitants.

The friendly unicorn Luna taught Pomponio that with kindness and mutual help, any obstacle can be overcome. And so, their friendship blossomed like the flowers in the enchanted forest.

The Magic Kite

The Magic Kite

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a little boy named Alex. He loved flying kites more than anything else. One sunny day, Alex’s grandpa gave him a special kite. It was colorful and sparkly, unlike any kite he had ever seen.

Excited, Alex ran to the park with his new kite. As soon as he threw it into the air, something magical happened. The kite began to dance in the sky, doing flips and loops all on its own!

Children gathered around, amazed at the spectacle. But then, a strong gust of wind blew the kite away. Alex chased after it, running through meadows and over hills until he reached a mysterious forest.

There, he found his kite caught in a tree. With determination, Alex climbed up and rescued it. As he held the kite close, it whispered, “Believe in magic.”

From that day on, Alex’s kite always danced magically in the sky. And whenever he flew it, he remembered to believe in the magic all around him.

The Friendly Wolf

Bedtime stories for 5 year olds free

Once upon a time in a magical forest, there lived a friendly wolf named Willy. Unlike other wolves, Willy loved making friends and helping others. One sunny day, Willy met a lost bunny named Benny. Benny was scared and didn’t know how to find his way home.

Willy, with his kind heart, offered to help Benny. He led Benny through the forest, showing him the safest paths and teaching him about the different animals they encountered. Along the way, they met a wise owl named Oliver, who guided them with his knowledge of the forest.

After a joyful adventure, they finally reached Benny’s home. Benny’s family was overjoyed to see him safe, thanks to Willy and Oliver’s help. From that day on, Willy and Benny became the best of friends, exploring the forest together and helping other animals in need.

The end.

Bedtime Stories for 6 year olds​

The Little Soccer Star

Bedtime Stories for 6 year olds​

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a boy named Tommy who loved playing soccer more than anything else in the world. Every day after school, he would rush to the playground with his soccer ball, ready to practice his skills.

One sunny afternoon, Tommy’s friends challenged him to a soccer match. Excited and determined, Tommy put on his favorite jersey and ran onto the field. The game was intense, with both teams giving their best.

As the match progressed, Tommy’s team was trailing by one goal. With only a few minutes left, Tommy saw an opportunity. He dribbled past defenders, showing off his fancy footwork, and scored a spectacular goal, equalizing the score.

The crowd cheered as the game went into overtime. Tommy’s team worked together seamlessly, passing the ball and making strategic moves. In the final moments, Tommy received a perfect pass and kicked the winning goal, leading his team to victory.

The town erupted in joy as Tommy’s teammates lifted him up, cheering his name. From that day on, Tommy became known as the little soccer star, inspiring other children to chase their dreams on the soccer field. And every time he played, Tommy remembered that teamwork and determination can turn dreams into reality.

The Counting Adventure

story 6 year old free

Once upon a time in the colorful land of Numberville, there lived a curious rabbit named Robbie. Robbie loved numbers more than anything else in the world. One sunny day, he decided to go on a counting adventure.

Robbie hopped through the meadow, counting the flowers along the way. “One, two, three, four, five,” he counted, his ears twitching with excitement. Soon, he reached the river, where he saw five ducks swimming happily. “Five ducks!” Robbie exclaimed, hopping with joy.

As he crossed the bridge, Robbie counted the planks beneath his feet. “Six, seven, eight, nine,” he counted aloud. On the other side, he met three friendly squirrels collecting acorns. “Nine planks and three squirrels make twelve!” Robbie giggled, amazed at his math skills.

His adventure continued as he counted apples in the orchard and butterflies in the garden. With each count, Robbie’s confidence in numbers grew stronger.

Finally, as the sun began to set, Robbie reached home. “How was your day, Robbie?” asked his mom. Robbie beamed, “It was amazing! I counted flowers, ducks, planks, squirrels, apples, and butterflies! I love numbers!”

From that day on, Robbie became known as the Counting Rabbit of Numberville, teaching everyone the joy of math and counting.

And so, the colorful land of Numberville echoed with laughter and numbers, thanks to Robbie’s wonderful counting adventure.

Bedtime Stories for 7 year olds​

The Brave Little Shark

bedtime stories 7 year old

In the deep blue sea, there lived a brave little shark named Finn. Finn wasn’t like the other sharks; he didn’t enjoy scaring fish or playing rough. Instead, he loved exploring the coral reefs and making friends with different sea creatures.

One sunny day, Finn heard a distressed cry for help. It was a school of tiny fish trapped in a net! Without hesitation, Finn swam towards them, using his sharp teeth to cut the net and set the fish free. The grateful fish thanked Finn and promised to help him whenever he needed.

As Finn continued his adventures, he encountered a menacing predator, a fierce barracuda. The barracuda threatened to devour Finn’s new friends. Remembering his bravery and kindness, Finn didn’t back down. Instead, he devised a clever plan with the help of his fish friends.

They lured the barracuda into a hidden cave, where they outsmarted him with their teamwork and quick thinking. The barracuda left, defeated and humbled. Finn became a hero among the sea creatures, known for his courage and compassion.

From that day on, Finn taught everyone that true strength comes from helping others and working together. He swam proudly, knowing that even the smallest shark could make a big difference in the vast ocean.

The Brave Buffalo Herd

free bedtime stories 7 year old

Once upon a time, in the vast plains of the wild west, there lived a courageous herd of buffaloes. Led by their wise elder, Big Horn, they roamed the grasslands, enjoying the freedom of their homeland.

One day, a group of hunters arrived, seeking to capture the majestic buffaloes. Big Horn sensed danger and quickly gathered the herd. “We must protect our family and home,” he declared.

The buffaloes devised a plan. They would lead the hunters away from their young ones and then circle back to safety. With thundering hooves, they charged, creating dust clouds that confused the hunters.

As the hunters followed the dust trail, the buffaloes swiftly returned to their calves. But one calf, Little Thunder, had wandered off to play and was now lost.

Determined to rescue their young, the herd set out again. Guided by Big Horn’s wisdom, they tracked Little Thunder’s scent until they found him trapped in a ravine.

Working together, the buffaloes formed a chain, allowing Little Thunder to climb up to safety. The hunters, amazed by the bravery and unity of the buffaloes, vowed never to harm them again.

From that day on, the buffalo herd roamed peacefully, knowing that courage and unity could overcome any challenge. And Little Thunder learned to stay close to his family, knowing they would always protect him.

The end.

Looking for a charming bedtime story? Check out Funny Bearded Dragon, a delightful tale full of whimsy and warmth. Perfect for soothing bedtime routines and sparking imaginations. Let this story enchant your little ones tonight!