Welcome to enjoy a biblical cautionary tale, ‘The Lost Lamb and the Loving Shepherd.’ We embark on a journey with Lily, a curious lamb who learns an important lesson about trust and guidance from her wise and loving shepherd.

Short story with biblical moral

The Lost Lamb and the Loving Shepherd

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little lamb named Lily. Lily loved to explore the meadows, but she had a bad habit of wandering away from the safety of the flock.

One sunny day, Lily decided to venture further than ever before. She found a beautiful field of colorful flowers and couldn’t resist frolicking among them. Lost in the joy of the moment, she didn’t notice the dark clouds gathering in the sky.

Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder echoed through the meadow, and rain started pouring down. Lily panicked, realizing she was far from the safety of her flock. Scared and lonely, she bleated for help.

The wise shepherd, hearing Lily’s cries, left the flock and rushed to her rescue. With a gentle smile, he scooped up the trembling lamb and brought her back to the safety of the flock.

As the rain continued to pour, the shepherd spoke to the flock, «Just like Lily, we can sometimes stray away from the path of safety. But our shepherd, who loves and cares for us, will always come to our rescue when we call out to him.»

Moral of the story

«The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.» – Psalm 23:1.

And so, Lily learned a valuable lesson that day – to always stay close to the shepherd and trust in his guidance. The flock, too, realized the importance of staying together and following the shepherd’s lead, for in doing so, they found safety and comfort in his care.

If you liked the short story with a biblical moral, we invite you to read 5-line short stories with morals.

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