Welcome to Dragon in the Clouds, a magical tale full of adventure and friendship! Enjoy one of our short stories for children, where kindness and fun can change everything.
In the dark lands of witches and trolls, there once lived the most fearsome dragon ever known. His magical powers allowed him to become like a cloud, moving swiftly like the wind, as light as a feather, and capable of taking any shape, from a harmless lamb to a fierce ogre. Because he was a cloud dragon, he was the only one who could breathe not only fire but also dazzling lightning from a storm.
The cloud dragon attacked villages and towns just for fun, enjoying the terrified screams of people when he appeared. But what truly entertained him was when knights and heroes were sent to defeat him. He loved making rain pour endlessly over their armor or tiny lightning bolts spark through their hair, making them stand on end. Then he would turn into a thick fog, surrounding the knight, who would not even realize he was being lifted into the sky. After playing with him in the air until he was completely dizzy, the dragon would return to his natural form, leaving the poor hero floating helplessly. Laughing, he would breathe flames as the knight tumbled down into the icy mountains, where he landed in the snow, bruised, frozen, and scorched, forced to find his long way home.
Only young Yelan, the king’s mischievous youngest son, felt sympathy for the dragon. Something inside him told him that no one could be entirely bad and that just as he had learned to behave as a child, perhaps the dragon could too. So when he set out to find him, he went unarmed, determined to understand why the dragon behaved this way.
As soon as the dragon saw the young prince, he began his usual tricks and torment. But Yelan found them fascinating and even fun. He laughed and enjoyed every moment with the dragon. When he finally crashed into the snow, he stood up, burned and sore but smiling, and shouted, “Again! That was amazing!”
The cloud dragon was surprised but seemed to have waited centuries for someone like Yelan. Without hesitation, he repeated his tricks and even added some new ones. The young prince enjoyed every game, and the dragon, having so much fun, started handling his new friend with care. When they finally rested, they sat together, smiling like true companions.
Yelan did not just let the dragon play with him, he also performed tricks and pranks that delighted the dragon. Together, they created new games. Eventually, Yelan met the dragon’s family and discovered that despite being centuries old, he was really just a giant child, playful, curious, and eager for fun.
And so, the prince returned to his kingdom riding a great cloud shaped like a dragon, to the amazement of all. With the help of jesters, actors, and cheerful children, they brought so much joy to the dragon’s life that he never needed to harm anyone for fun again. Instead, he shared his rain, his shade, and his lightning with those in need, becoming a beloved protector of the land.
Moral: “Dragon in the Clouds” shows that understanding and friendship can transform even the most mischievous into kind and happy beings.
If you liked the story of Dragon in the Clouds, we invite you to share our bedtime stories with your children. They will learn valuable lessons and foster a love for reading.